How to turn your smartphone into a home security camera
Deter crime and gain peace of mind with a home security camera You may sometimes worry that your home is being broken into by thieves while you are away. Installing a home security camera will enable you to check your home any time you want to and record valuable evidence of a break-in if it does occur. Indeed, the mere presence of a security camera is often enough to deter crime. Let's say that you want to install a security camera in your home. What are your options? The traditional purpose-built, professionally-installed closed-circuit televison (CCTV) cameras are still unbeatable in terms of features and reliability, but they tend to be too expensive for the average homeowner. Luckily, as can be seen in the pictures below, you can now set up a home security camera using nothing more than your old smartphone or tablet and a free smartphone app. Of course, you also need to have broadband Internet and WiFi in your home. Set up an old smartphone as a security camera ...