How to obtain your first Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) in the Philippines

I would like to share how I obtained my first Professional Tax Receipt (PTR) at the Manila City Hall. I suppose that the procedure and requirements are similar in various jurisdictions in the Philippines.

As a first-timer, I needed to prove that I passed the professional licensing exam. So, I brought with me a hardcopy of an email from the company where I was affiliated with which attested that I had passed the licensure exam.

I also prepared some money to pay the tax, which amounted to Php 300. Then I went to the Manila City Hall, where I was directed to the Licensing Division on the Ground Floor.

There, the staff inspected the email message. Satisfied that everything was in order, he prepared a small slip of paper called "Order of Payment" and instructed me to take it to "Window D" of the Taxpayers' Lounge located on the Ground Floor. At Window D, I paid the tax and was issued an official receipt. The official receipt indicates my profession and the amount of tax paid. This official receipt is my PTR for the current year.

By the way, I was also instructed to leave a photcopy of my PTR at the licensing division. And so I did.

It is possible to pay the professional tax of another person. Just bring proof that that person passed the licensing requirements.

The PTR must be paid annually, on or before January 31. Late payment will incur penalty charges. In my case, since I had just passed the professional  licensing exam, I was not charged any penalty.

Unfortunately for me, having just obtained my PTR in December this year, I will have to repeat this process next month to obtain a new PTR for 2018.


  1. Thank you for your story LOL. I also need PTR for my work. Now i know how apply for PTR.


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