How to Fine-Tune Your Facebook Privacy Settings
For those of you who are on Facebook, I created a short video that explains how you can fine-tune your Facebook account's privacy settings. "Why bother changing something that already works?," you may be wondering. Well, it’s to suit the way you use Facebook. If you are among the great majority of users who just want to reconnect and share with people who already know you, then you probably need to change some of the default settings in Facebook from “Public” or “Everyone” to “Friends” or Only me.” For you, it’s important to lock down the privacy settings to protect yourself and your loved ones from information thieves who have no qualms about faking your account, harvesting information about you and your friends, and using this information for nefarious purposes. Conversely, if you are using Facebook as a marketing tool, then you might want to open up the privacy settings even more. What sort of privacy information can you control in Facebook? Here are some exampl...